Trung Nguyen Gourmet Blend Ground Coffee (Cà Phê Xay) - 17.6oz
Trung Nguyen Gourmet Blend Made from the best Robusta, Arabica, Excelsa, Catimor coffee beans of Buon Ma Thuot, using the secret roasting and grinding recipes of top experts in Vietnam, Trung Nguyen created the perfect delicacy. Trung Nguyen’s Gourmet Blend has notes of chocolate, spices, and fruit and tastes slightly bitter with mild acidity. What makes our coffee so special? WE GROWN OUR OWN BEANS By harvesting coffee beans from our own plantation in Vietnam’s Buon Ma Thuot Province and packing them in our own factories, we are able to ensure the consistent quality of our coffee products. WE ARE GREEN We invest in sustainable and renewable agriculture. This allows us to produce some of the world’s most delicious coffees while caring for the environment. WE ARE INTERNATIONAL We established an international office in Singapore to share our coffee with the world. You can now find Trung Nguyen coffee products in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Product of Vietnam
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